
Petr Panek

Nationality: CZE

IGC Ranking Position: 363

Home Club: Ikarus Gliding Club

Occupation: Risk Manager

How and why did you start gliding?

Flying was my dream from childhood time, so it was logical to join local aeroclub when I was 15 years old, in 1990. Since that time, I achieved about 1700Hr on gliders and 350 on powered aircraft. Dream becomes true, and I’m enjoying each flight as the first one. Gliding is something special within the air sports, because of dependance mainly on weather and there have to be many more factors to have a successful flight finished. Gives you everytime the sence of total freedom; while limitations are only natural principles. 
What do you enjoy most about flying in competitions?

Learning something new from my colleagues every task, every competition. Comparing with each others and moving your skills forward. And also the background on competitions – somebody else prepare tasks, analyzing the weather predictions. You have to fly in the conditions you even haven’t open a hangar in your home aeroclub, and you sometimes finish the task! 

What is your most satisfying result?

I’m quite new on FAI Class 1 competitions, but for sure – winning the qualification of GP in Brasov, Romania. And next are some results on CZ/SK nationals, or competition like FCC Gliding etc. 

What are the most important factors for success in gliding competitions?