

The last of the Qualifying SGPs at Varese, Italy has now concluded. Gilles Navas and Mario Kiessling will join the best of the best in Saint-Auban for the FAI World SGP Final, September 5th - 11th, 2021

In September, in the beautiful scenery of the Provence Alps south-east France, 20 pilots qualified through the Grand Prix events around the globe will race for the world title. Follow their upcoming flight adventures here!

Due to covid restrictions there have been a number of changes to the programme of national events in the 10th series.

The French FAI/SGP national event has been given the green light from the authorities in France to go ahead but behind closed doors with no public access to the airfield. The contest has a great entry list and we hope they enjoy good soaring weather.

Three of the national events have been cancelled, Russia, Sweden and USA are all victims of the current pandemic restrictions on travel and sport. All three organisers have declared their intention to hold an event in 2022 which will be part of the 11th series of FAI/SGP events.

We are optimistic that the remaining events in the 10th series in Spain and Italy will be held as planned.

Plans are well advanced for the World final in September at St Auban France, and qualified pilots will soon be receiving their invitations to compete.

The 11th series qualifying events will be held in 2022 and the 11th series FAI/SGP world final will be held in 2023.

The programme for the 11th series and relevant bidding documents are available here.